Our Process
Process Over Products
Our process begins with getting to know you and your family so that we understand what is important to you and them about your wealth. We pose a fundamental question which is “would you prefer to leave more of your wealth to your family and/or charity or CRA?”. Assuming the former and once we have an initial understanding of your circumstances and goals, we present tailored preliminary illustrations. Our goals here are to first wet your whistle and make you alive to the significant tax and estate planning advantages that tax-exempt life insurance provides and once accomplished get the ball rolling by introducing you to our Tactical Field Underwriter Michelle Roussin.
The viability of our life insurance-based strategies hinge on your insurability so to help determine this we will arrange for you to have a confidential discussion with Michelle. She will gather information about your medical and lifestyle circumstances that are relevant to insurers. She speaks their language. Once insurability is established and we have your green light, we collaborate with your tax, legal and any other advisors to gather your relevant financial information and ensure our recommendations align with your overall tax, wealth and estate planning. Our holistic approach includes an in-depth needs analysis using highly sophisticated software to obtain a snapshot of your current financial circumstances and to project what it may look like in the future.
Now that your needs have been identified we find the solution and then canvas the top tier Canadian insurance carriers to determine which has the best offering for you. With significant product differentiation the old adage “it pays to shop” definitely applies to life insurance. With your acceptance we submit application and oversee underwriting. The insurance company will make a decision based on their review of your application and we will explain the decision to you. Once you accept an offer and place the contract in-force, we will be in touch with you at least annually to keep up to date and address any actionable items. Consider us your guide from start to finish.